
Posts Tagged ‘MC Hammer’




  This year, Great American Ballpark has had so many awesome theme nights, I had to share a few of my favorite with you.  

I’ve always been a big fan of Ladies Night, Bark in the Park (bring your dog out night) and 80’s night. However, this year we have been very creative with the themes and the fans have really been enjoying them as well.  

Earth Day/Recycling theme:  

in the crowd.






Beat The Cubs


Baby Night:  


Baby Carlos shirts


t-shirt sling shot


our giant baby.


And finally, the best night I ever worked, MC Hammer Night, where Mr. Andre himself performed in concert.

the rally pack



dugout dance


can’t touch this

We even got to dance at night, right before a huge fireworks display, while he sang, “Can’t Touch This.” 

Best. Night. Ever.


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