
Posts Tagged ‘win’

The famous Seattle Market

 Seattle was beautiful! It is the farthest West I had ever been, and it was about time. It was a little rainy, a little dark, but I feel like I got the full Seattle experience with that.

My trip started out well enough, with a trip to the famous Chateau Stu Michelle winery (I probably spelled that wrong but oh well) complete with tour and wine tasting. I may have been the peacocks roaming the premises, the beautiful french architecture, or the three glasses of wine I consumed, but I really loved the place!


wine me.

We not only saw the property but how the wine was made, bottled and shipped. It was a pretty incredible “behind the scenes” experience.

No trip to Seattle is complete without a cruise through Pike’s Place Market. Famous for throwing fish, along with their fresh food and newspaper stands with every publication from around the world, it was the perfect place to kill some time.

I was a bit intimidated at first to be honest. Everything and every one moved so fast, it was hard not to fall over and get trampled in the confusion. But low and behold I found my own little nook, had some tea and a crumpets (yes, crumpets! It was exciting!) chilled out, and bought some spices for my grandma.

beware the monk fish.

I bought one, $10.

I loved Seattle!

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